Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mentaly chalenged children's ministry

mentaly chalenged children institution
Mentally challenged children’s ministry.  
I was seeking the Lord a while back in a special way. I was praying about how else I can show Christ and where else I can go to reach the lost and to preach the gospel. I have been preaching to people on the streets and prayed for people in stores, supermarkets and other places. But that day as I was on my knees seeking the Lord in a special day I felt He wanted me to do something I never did before. He led me to read out of book of John, when Jesus went in to the Betheda where there was great number of sick people waiting for an angel to trouble water. Jesus went in there to set free a man who was there for 38 years. Jesus always went to those whom others overlooked. He always went to those people who world gave up on. 
Close to where we live there is a place for boys only called “mentally challenged institution” It is state run orphanage for boys with mental disorders. There are 156 boys from 5-25 years old. Most of them have been locked up there for a lifetime. 
Many have down syndrome, others have epilepsy and many other disorders. Great majority of them have parents. 
I asked the Lord how I can reach these children with the gospel. Should we reach these kind of people? 
If Jesus is the same: today, yesterday and forever. Than we can dare to believe that we can reach all kinds of people. The blood of Christ is too precious to leave out any people group. 
The world today can duplicate almost everything the church does. The world can give millions for charity and feed the hungry help the poor. World will never duplicate the power of the early New Testament church. If we dare to believe, Jesus said that all things are possible. 
So please pray with us that the gospel would reach the minds and hearts and bodies of the boys in that institution. What was shocking to find out is that out of so many churches in the city no male minister tried to reach these boys. All they see every day are female teachers. Only 3 ladies from a church have been ministering there for several years. 
It is so obvious that these boys need a male figure that will be friends with them and share Christ there. 
It is not the will of our heavenly Father that any of the least of these should parish.

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