Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our USA friend Joe coming along side our ministry






It was great blessing to have another friend from USA Joseph from the State of New York visit us and come along side to minister with us during two weeks in April. 

We praise God for the commitment of people of different nationalities than ours like Joe and many others who are willing to step out in faith and do what the Lord leeds them to do even though others around them think and say it is insane. in the natural it is really insane to take short vacation you have after many days of hard work and use it up for something others who dont know Christ think is crazy. We give our appreciation to all those who give up their time, their finance, their freedom to do what they deserved to do, and come over to Ukraine, the country which many people in Amercia and other countries dont even know exists. Keep up the hard and faithfull work and encourege others to do the same. Your reward is unimaginable.


Our USA friends visiting





In early March we had great privillage to host the team of our two lovely friends from USA the State of Georgia. Lynn Hit and Windy Wood served a great blessing to our ministry even though the visit was of short one. We are blessed to see that  people like Lynn and Windy are open to hear where Lord leeds them to serve the purposes of the Kingdom of God. 

They helped us teach in the English club, shared testimonies at rehab center and shared God's word with the people in our local church Living Water. 

It is great encouregement when other brothers and sisters come along side to help in the work of ministry here in Ukraine.